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Electrolysis FAQ

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. Electrolysis is permanent hair removal. Regardless of the cause – heredity, metabolic, or hormonal conditions – electrolysis will permanently remove unwanted hair to reveal a glowing, confident you.
Absolutely. Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.

Almost certainly. Electrolysis is effective for all skin types, hair types, skin colors, hair colors,  and areas of the body.

A small electric current is transmitted by a fine, sterile probe (or needle) directly into the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the dermal papilla, the matrix, and an area called “the bulge”, all of which cause hair to grow and regenerate.
Maybe it’s just an unwelcome maintenance routine that takes a lot of time, but often, unwanted hair creates self-consciousness serious enough to impair relationships with other people. If unwanted hair gets in the way of your confidence, social life, work, sports, schedules or even self-expression, this is your opportunity to act.
There are three types, or modalities, of electrolysis used today – galvanic (current produces a chemical reaction), thermolysis (short-wave which produces heat) and a modality that blends the two. They all result in effective permanent hair removal.
Immediately following treatment, there may be a temporary redness or tenderness, which varies with each individual. The latest technology has made electrolysis more comfortable and effective than ever before. Your electrologist will provide you with post treatment instructions and any personal attention you may need. You are assured of the best care from a skilled hair removal professional.
Permanent hair removal using electrolysis has come a long way since its beginnings in 1875. Today’s computer technology enables the electrologist to work with more speed and comfort. Epilators are much quicker, utilizing current timings of thousandths of a second over the longer current applications of the past, plus, intensity settings can now be modulated to varying proportions. The instruments and equipment used in a contemporary electrologist’s office are just part of the changes that have occurred in the electrolysis industry.
Dark skin is a challenge for some hair removal methods, but not for electrolysis. If you’ve heard that your skin tone means that you are not a candidate for hair removal treatments, then you need to speak to an electrolgist. Electrolysis is effective on all skin colors and types of hair.
Yes. Your electrologist looks for the opening where the hair emerges from the skin. They do not need a significant difference in between the color of the hair and the color of your skin to do this. No matter what color of skin and hair you have, electrolysis works.
Temporary hyperpigmentation (dark spots) is the darker skin equivalent of the temporary redness sometimes experienced by those with lighter skin. If you have been tweezing the hair, the irritation from that can also cause dark spots. These dark spots are a sign that the skin is doing it’s job and healing the irritated area; they will fade over time. Do not use a bleaching cream on these areas as this can cause light spots (hypopigmentation) when the skin returns to normal. Your electrologist can recommend an aftercare product to help speed the return to normal pigmentation.
Beauty. It’s a concept everyone understands, yet it’s expressed differently by each individual. Your own sense of personal beauty is based on your insight into who you uniquely are, which is the whole reason for your gender transition. When you feel attractive, life is more vibrant and fulfilling.

At times we seek assistance to enhance our appearance so we can be truly comfortable with ourselves and embrace life more fully. You may find, as many others have, that permanent hair removal can help you express your finest self and reveal the beautiful individual that you are.

If you are looking for a treatment to permanently remove facial hair and excess body hair as part of your journey, electrolysis is the solution for you. It’s the key to attaining the smooth, sophisticated, hair-free look you desire.
Permanent hair removal is a very important part of my process. I’m on hormone therapy to reduce new hair growth, but I need a permanent solution for existing facial and body hair. I’ve done my homework and know electrolysis is the only permanent method, but I’m afraid to pick up the phone.

Your electrologist will absolutely understand. It’s best to select a certified electrologist to ensure that you are working with someone who takes utmost pride in performing their professional responsibilities and is knowledgeable about treating trans people. A professional electrologist is aware of what you are trying to accomplish and how electrolysis fits into your process. The electrologist will respect you, your choices and your privacy.
It’s likely, but don’t be afraid to ask. If they don’t, and you would be more comfortable with someone who has other trans clients, ask for a referral. An electrologist who is experienced with the trans community will likely also have a referral source of MDs, cosmetologists, estheticians, massage therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists to share with you, if you wish. An electrologist with experience treating transgender people can be a valuable partner in your transition.
Throughout women’s lives, hormones fluctuate and can cause hair to grow unexpectedly.

Hormonal changes and conditions account for many problems besides unwanted hair. The cause can be related to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an underlying medical condition, your genetic makeup and even some medications. You may want to see an endocrinologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. For the hair, the solution is electrolysis.
At your consultation, your electrologist will take a thorough health history. This will help them figure out a possible reason why this hair came on suddenly. Among the questions will be:

Do you have thyroid problems?
Are you diabetic?
Have you had menstrual or ovarian problems?
What medications do you take?
Do you have a family history of unwanted hair?

Some studies show women have symptoms of menopause 10 years before they reach menopause. This also could be the cause.

Electrologists cannot diagnose, but they can ask you questions that will help you have further discussions with your physician. Regardless of the cause, your electrologist can permanently remove the unwanted hair.
There are many of us with unwanted hair. In fact, most likely, your electrologist has spent many hours receiving electrolysis treatments. Their compassion comes from walking in your shoes. There seems to be more of us with unwanted hair than without!
An endocrinologist (hormone specialist) may be the person to help you. When women are overweight, have trouble losing weight, have irregular or no periods, and hair in the male pattern area (which you have described), they should be evaluated by a specialist. These are classic signs of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Again, electrologists cannot diagnose, but they do recognize what is not normal. If you have PCOS, your electrologist can permanently remove the unwanted facial and body hair.
Treatment depends on the symptoms. Your primary physician or endocrinologist can determine the best course of action to alleviate specific symptoms you have. If weight is an issue, the most successful eating pattern is following a diabetic healthy eating plan. When choosing carbs, make sure they are complex carbs that don’t raise your blood sugar.

If you develop unwanted hair, electrolysis will get rid of the unwanted hair permanently. To address the medical issues, sometimes medications are prescribed by your physician.
Dr. Jeffrey Redmond, a NY endocrinologist, has told the electrology profession that some people’s bodies are more sensitive to circulating hormones. So just because your blood levels have come back “normal,” it does not mean that they are normal for YOU! As hard as it may seem, go back and have another conversation with your endocrinologist. We must each be an active advocate for our own health.
Chin hair on women is often exacerbated by tweezing and waxing. The repeated irritation from yanking hairs out can result in a larger diameter hair growing from the follicle or ingrown hairs from the breaking off of hairs in the follicle. When women tweeze hairs from their chin and have acne on their chin, but not on the rest of their face, they should find relief from their acne with electrolysis treatments.

Once they have stopped tweezing hairs from the chin and allow the electrologist to properly treat the hair, skin will clear. Hormonally caused facial hair on women usually grows in a pattern, starting with the chin and corners of the upper lip.
Many medications can cause hair growth or hair loss. Talk with your pharmacist about each medication you are on and also about how your medications interact.
When you make the decision to undergo electrolysis, the following best practices are recommended to aid in the success of your treatments:
  • Do not wax, tweeze, or remove the hair with chemical depilatories.
  • Do not shave the area to be treated for two or three days before your session. The electrologist will need enough of the hair exposed so the treated hair can be tweezed as the root is being destroyed.
  • Apply liberal amounts of numbing gel about half an hour before your session. Gel containing Lidocaine is highly recommended. The higher the percentage of numbing agent the better for a more comfortable experience during your session. Check with your pharmacist or doctor before using Lidocaine to ensure your optimal health & safety.
  • After each session, avoid direct sun exposure for 24 hours and wipe the treated area down regularly with an antiseptic like Bactine®. If swelling occurs, cool the area with an ice pack as well.

Ready to say goodbye to your unwanted hair?